Our Core Values
Our Homes South: "A Nice Place to Live."
It's not only our motto. It's at the core of what we do.
- We accomplish this through the provision of beautiful homes.
- We employ a competent, well-trained staff.
- We support fair treatment for everyone creating a healthy environment.
- We set and aspire to high expectations with measurable outcomes.
- We are committed to employee involvement at all levels in decision making.
- We will act in a trustworthy manner.
- We value our commitment to meeting our individuals needs.
Our Culture
Our culture is based upon our core values and is illustrated by actions like these:
Atmosphere - We foster friendly, team-oriented work environment with a casual professional dress code. Our Homes South, Inc. also provides competitive pay and career advancement opportunities through training and development of our employees.
Events - We encourage community interaction for all individuals through offering group activities and training opportunities in community environments.
Employee input - At Our Homes South, Inc. we recognize that our employees know the business well. We actively solicit their input for planning and at other major decision points.